Its been a long time since posting something new, so here it comes. I've got a question that I know that everyone can answer- Have you ever been sent to the sin bin? I'm pretty sure everyone a answered YES. I know from playing the game, even in Dallas; thing aren't fair when it comes to refs, usually... Everyone down in Texas says that some refs actually ref soccer because , of how strict they can be. But the cold truth that I believe is its because of how team act and react. there's a same type of soccer refs in the Bible. In John 8 chapter 1 through 11 in the New Living Translation,"Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. ...
This blog is specifically for followers of Jesus Christ who play ice hockey. Be ready to hit the ice not only for your teammates, but for God!!!