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Showing posts from 2018

The Real Win

Its been a while, I'm currently adapting to Ogden, UT and the team I'm playing for here, the Mustangs. By the time I post this we on a hot streek of winning 10 straight games, but I want to talk about the Real Win.    Yes, I kinda stole that from the book I'm reading for my by-weekly FCA Discipleship calls, The Real Win By Colt McCoy, but it's one relevant book. Success may look good for a hot streek team and gives us a comfort of stability; But now if the team was on a losing streek, nothing would be stable and things will be shifting daily trying to reach for that success. But the real question should be is in either one of these's sittuations, how would a you feel? Happy, mad, content or stressed?   These are normal human emotions but if we use these in a aspect of how we feel about success, then where unstable ourselves. There's a verse I found in this book about leaning on 'The Rock' and finding a peace mind, " You will keep in perfect peace...

Rough Ice

   Everyone in the sport we play has either been that back end guy, scratched if in Junior, college, pro. It's never a good feeling to be undervalued and be seen as a bad player to you peers.    My story was in 2014 when I played AA U16 Hockey. I could tell you every little thing that went wrong, but that way too long to explain and in the end, it's not worth it. To sum up, THAT was the year I was going to end hockey- Dream Dead. My fear of my dads aggressive cemo scared me as I was ready for the worst giving up everything.    Then after a game in January, Gary Steffes and 3 others players took a knee and changed my prospective of what I do. A month later I won my high school state championship and this one photo shows my true emothing- worn. Peace from fear, stress, insecurity suddenly filled me and all I did was cry.    A verse I found at random during this time was on Proverbs 20:22 NVT "Dont say, 'I will get even for this wrong.' Wait for t...


First off, watch this video to get an idea of what were going to be talking about. Fog game So that was interesting huh? Buffalo and Philly playing a playoff game in that condition must have been worse given the cameras were from the 1970's. So put the skates on and imagine what it must of been like. Sloppy plays, players running into each other, goals going in the net that the goalie never dropped until he heard the stadium roar. Like this in life, if we're on track and have a plan through God; He sometimes blinds us from seeing or better yet, have faith that his plan will work out. In some cases, the devil tries to blind us to get further from God. In both way, God will give eyes to see, ears to hear, a mouth that shouldn't be silent, and a motive to move in his way. In The Bible, Jonah didn't understand why he had to preach to people who he believed deserved punishment for what they've done. Paul was blinded by the ways of the world killing believers in Christ...

Open Ice

   Most things in life you've got to figue out who you are and train yourself in the things (talents) that God has blessed you in.  If it's in this game called hockey, being a good role model, speaking for the silent, standing up for the weak or in ministry work, here and across borders. A way to focus on individual skill in hockey is to go to an Open ice session at your closest rink. Shooting pucks outside in the driveway. Simply getting conditioned and working on the little inperfections so when the time comes your ready and your ahead of the competition. Unless your competition did the same thing then it's time for a real battle.    One thing to clarify, in anything we do, we FAIL consistently. Failing isn't always a bad thing. It shows us where we need improvement. It makes us humble. On the ice that could be losing an edge, missing a shot that could be made easily by a mini mite. Being tired and mad because all we want is to be good already and not go thro...