This week I’ll be covering music and how it has certainly changed the way I live my life for God and using it to glorify him. We all have been in the rinks, locker rooms or tailgates of music that sounds pleasing, fun and catchy; but at some point in that moment do you try to find God's message? Many songs these days speak against God and we may not know it.
Personally, I try my best to influence others with my music taste with Christian music, worship, christian rap and hymes. I have 100% scared teammates with my music choices and stir up questions of why don't people experience music like I do? For the message, not for the pleasure. I for one dont wanna listen to song speopking about lust, distruction, iggurance, murder, lies and a laundry list more not only before playing a game, but approaching life with that music being so influential, that it can and has made me fall short.
I’ve recently watched a Netflix film called, A Week Away, that brought back some fun memories of church camp, old and some new christian music. The most impactful message is in the title, A week away. The camp owner said in the film, “your a week away from an experience that changed everything for them” Also a song that I put a link in to watch.
THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE EXPERIENCING CONNECTIVITY WITH GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS!!! Campfire songs dig deep and worship for the most part is praised to God. But as you see, Avery was happy yet looked anxious and searched for that connection to feel happy, but emotionally as you saw before in the movie, she has suffered great greaf from her mom passing away and being expected to be ‘perfect’.
The start up song is called Awesome God and was originally created by Rich Mullins in1988. The course has been redone in many different versions with Mathew west being involved with the movie version of this song. The verses to back up the procomations of this son is below
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! (Romans 11:33).
And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8).
The Intro of the song perfectly describes both characters trying to hide their flaws, struggles and sins
Then the music fades out as Will, the trouble maker trying to figure out life after his parents died and now bouncing around starts singing this song. Both Will and Avery expose (Like God does) their struggles proclaiming God knowing it and understanding their pain 100%. They both sing a different course in the mist of Awesome God a connected duet calling on God's Love in their life.
“God only knows what you've been through, God only knows what they said about you, God only knows how it's killing you.”
This is referencing God’s omniscience as described in the Bible, some of these verses are
Psalm 147:5: Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.
1 John 3:20: For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
And Psalm 44:21:Would not God search this out?
For He knows the secrets of the heart.
To be omniscient means to be in the state of knowing everything, so God knows exactly what you’ve been through and how it makes you feel.
“Is there a kind of love that God only knows”
This love that God only knows is in reference to God’s steadfast and unconditional love for us as described in many places in the Bible.
Psalm 136:26 states: Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever."
God loves you more than anyone else could, and only God can love this way
They both feel the peace and the release of that stress in their life refocusing their mind on God and his plan to fully trust him, and not go by our own way and selfishly trying to fix ourselves. I pray daily and everytime I’m with a group worshiping publicly that they look past all the set up, music choice, and the people around them and sing to God and connect with him the way I want too. So please listen to what you put into your ears next time and look for God in all things.
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